Wrapping up Motion… yet not really

So May is winding down, and I will no longer be looking for fabulous motion graphics to share with you…
This month, in my ADVANCED motion graphics course (who is advanced? not me), I will be doing my own animation. If I am lucky, I may have time to share my progress with you. And I hope you feel lucky, as well, which is required if I figure out how to render out movies and share them online.
Next month is coming faster than a bolt of lightning… summer has arrived and new inspiration is just around the corner. I’m thinking of some ideas… some inspiration to share with you that is engaging for me to inject into my work and into my family life, as well. I hope to reveal the new 30 day inspiration project in the next few days.
I don’t want to leave this post without any motion inspiration to share, so I will leave you with this. Enjoy.

What inspires you?